2021 高级英语写作(西安外国语大学)1465398477 最新满分章节测试答案
- 【作业】第二周 思辨性阅读 单元作业
- 第二周 思辨性阅读 单元测试
- 【作业】第三周 概要写作 单元作业
- 第三周 概要写作 单元测验
- 第四周 文献引用格式 单元检测
- 【作业】第四周 文献引用格式 单元作业
- 第五周 综合性写作 单元检测
- 【作业】第五周 综合性写作 单元作业
- 【作业】第六周 分析性写作 单元作业
- 第六周 分析性写作 单元检测
- 【作业】第七周 提议性写作 单元作业
- 第八周 论辩性-论说文写作 单元检测
- 【作业】第八周 论辩性-论说文写作 单元作业
- 【作业】第九周 评论性写作 单元作业
- 第九周 评论性写作 单元检测
- 【作业】第十周 英语专业八级写作(资料写作) 作业单元
- 第七周 提议性写作 单元检测
- 第十周 英语专业八级写作(资料写作) 单元检测
- 【作业】第十一周 雅思短文写作 单元作业
- 第十一周 雅思短文写作 单元检测
- 【作业】第十二周 作文修改 单元作业
- 第十二周 作文修改 单元检测
【作业】第二周 思辨性阅读 单元作业
1、 问题:Annotations are often used to clarify meaning. The exercise below is to give your practice using context clues to understand the meaning of a word. Use your general knowledge along with information from the entire text to write a definition, synonym, or description of the underlined word in the blank provided. Read through the entire passage before making a decision. Note that some of the words appear more than once; by the end of the passage your should have a good idea of their meaning. Do not worry if your definition is not exact; a general idea of the meaning will often allow your to understand the meaning of a written text. People in Americas before Last Ice Age? A site in northeastern Brazil has yielded evidence of the earliest known human occupation in the Americas, approximately 32,000 years ago, according to a report by two French scientists.Although the discovery, reported in June 19 NATURE, does not resolve long-standing archaeological disputes over when and how people first arrived in the New World, the site is much older than others where human occupation has been firmly established. Several such finds in the southwestern United States date to 11,500 years ago, and a rock shelter near Pittsburgh is thought to contain evidence of use by humans 19,000 years ago; previously, the earliest known site occupied by humans in South America was 14,200 years old. –From Reader’s Choice by Baudoin, E.M. et., 1997, p. 951) site: _2) occupation: _3) resolve: _4) disputes: _5) firmly: _
评分规则: 【 location, place
habitation, settlement, residence
solve, settle, decide
disagreements, debates, controversies
definitely, positively, strongly, well
第二周 思辨性阅读 单元测试
1、 问题:Mark the letter that identifies the tone for each of the following sentences. Baseball was invented as an urban game in order for owners to make money, players to become arrogant, and spectators to drink overpriced beer.
A: objective
B: nostalgic
C: humorous
答案: 【 humorous 】
2、 问题: The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, yet they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutchinson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvation can come through good works.
A: ironic
B: sentimental
C: optimistic
答案: 【 ironic】
3、 问题:When I study now, I’m in a lab with 50 noisy computers. What happened to the quiet chair in a corner with a table for your books, papers, and pencils?
A: objective
B: nostalgic
C: bitter
答案: 【 nostalgic 】
4、 问题: If given the funding, scientists could trace most aggressive behavior of crime and violence to either too much testosterone or low blood sugar.
A: objective
B: sentimental
C: subjective
答案: 【 objective】
【作业】第三周 概要写作 单元作业
1、 问题:概要写作归纳段落大意Read each paragraph below and then write a restatement of ideas in the original paragraph, or a brief one-sentence summary. Note that restatements give the same information in a different way. (10 points) Paragraph 1 Often people who hold higher positions n a give group overestimate their performance, while people in the lowest levels of the group underestimate theirs. While this may not always be true, it does indicate that often the actual position in the group has much to do with the feeling of personal confidence a person may have. Thus, members who hold higher positions in a group or feel that they have an important part to play in the group will probably have more confidence in their own performance. (3 points) Paragraph 2Like any theory of importance, that of social or cultural anthropology was the work of many minds and took on many forms. Some, the best known of its proponents, worked on broad areas and attempted to describe and account for the development of human civilization in its totality. Others restricted their efforts to specific aspects of the culture, taking up the evolution of art, or the state, or religion. (3 points) Paragraph 3There was a time when scholars held that early humans lived in a kind of beneficent anarchy, in which people were granted their rights by their fellows and there was no governing or being governed. Various early writers looked back to this Golden Age but the point of view that humans were originally children of nature is best known to us in the writings of Rousseau, Locke, and Hobbes. These men described the concept of social contract, which they said had put an end to the state of nature in which the earliest humans were supposed to have lived. (4 points)
评分规则: 【 归纳大意得分标准: 1)用一句话归纳大意; 2)未使用与原文完全相同的句子结构; 3)用自己的话对原文意思进行表述; 4)符合概要或归纳大意写作的基本要求。1. 每小题得分及参考答案:Paragraph 1(3分):
People in positions of power in a group may feel they do better work than they really do.Paragraph 2(3分):
Cultural anthropologists, also known as social anthropologists, may work in either broad or restricted areas.Paragraph 3(4分):According to the author, scholars today do not hold that early humans lived in a state of anarchy.
第三周 概要写作 单元测验
1、 问题: Read the following paragraph and compare the summaries. Decide which is the best.Researchers in France and the United States have recently reported that baboons are able to think abstractly. It has been known for some time that chimpanzees are capable of abstract thought, but baboons are a more distant relation to mankind. In the experiment, scientists trained two baboons to use a personal computer and a joystick. The animals had to match computer designs which were basically the same, but had superficial differences. In the experiment the baboons performed better than would be expected by chance. The researchers describe their study in an article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology. –Academic writing: A Handbook for International Students by Stephen Bailey, 2006, London & New York: Routledge, p. 34
A: French and American scientists have shown for the first time that baboons have the ability to think in
an abstract way. The animals were taught to use a computer, and then had to select patterns that were similar, which they did at a rate better than chance.
B: Baboons are a kind of monkey more distant from man than chimpanzees. Although it is known that chimpanzees are able to think abstractly, until recently it was not clear if baboons could do the same. But new research by various scientists has shown that this is so.
C:According to a recent article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, baboons are able to think in an abstract way. The article describes how researchers trained two baboons to use a personal computer and a joystick. The animals did better than would be expected.
答案: 【According to a recent article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, baboons are able to think in an abstract way. The article describes how researchers trained two baboons to use a personal computer and a joystick. The animals did better than would be expected. 】
2、 问题: Read the following paragraph and compare the summaries. Decide which is the best.Sociolinguistics is concerned with the ethnography of speaking, that is, with cultural and subcultural patterns of speech variation in different social contexts. The sociolinguist might ask, for example, what kinds of things one talks about in casual conversations with a stranger. A foreigner may know English vocabulary and grammar well but may not know that one typically chats with a stranger about the weather or where one comes from, and not about what one ate that day or how much money one earns. A foreigner may be familiar with much of the culture of a North American city, but if that person divulges the real state of his or her health and feelings to the first person who says, “How are you?” he or she has much to learn about “small talk” in North American English. Similarly, North Americans tend to get confused in societies where greetings are quite different from ours. People in some other societies may ask a greeting, “Where are you going?” or “What are you cooking?” Some Americans may think such questions are rude; others may try to answer in excruciating detail, not realizing that only vague answers are expected, just as we don’t really expect a detailed answer when we ask people “How are you?” –Judith Resnick & Lanny Lester, Text & Thought, pp. 194-195
A:A foreigner may be familiar with the English language but not with the appropriate topics for making small talk.
B:North Americans may not respond appropriately to greetings in other societies.
C:Conversation differs around the world.
D:Sociolinguists are interested in how speech is used in different cultures and different social contexts, such as in making small talk and greeting people.
答案: 【Sociolinguists are interested in how speech is used in different cultures and different social contexts, such as in making small talk and greeting people.】
3、 问题:Paraphrase: Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence.Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recommend anything.
A: Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
B:Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
C: If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey recommend the product.
D:Most doctors recommend the product.
答案: 【 If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey recommend the product.】
4、 问题:Paraphrase: Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence. This organization may succeed marvelously at what it wants to do, but what it wants to do may not be all that important.
A:Although the organization may reach its goals, the goals might not be important.
B:The organization is marvelous.
C:What the organization wants is marvelous.
D:The organization does not have a clear goal.
答案: 【Although the organization may reach its goals, the goals might not be important.】
5、 问题: Paraphrase: Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence.This book contains a totally new outlook that combines the wisdom of the past with scientific knowledge to solve the problems of the present.
A:Problems of the past and present are solved in this book.
B:In this book, current knowledge and past wisdom are combined to solve current problems.
C:Only by using knowledge of the past and present can we solve problems.
D:None of today’s problems can be solved without scientific knowledge.
答案: 【Only by using knowledge of the past and present can we solve problems.】
6、 问题:Paraphrase: Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence. It would be difficult to overpraise this book.
A:This is a difficult book.
B:It is difficult not to overpraise this book.
C:This book deserves much praise.
D:It is difficult to praise this book.
答案: 【This book deserves much praise.】
7、 问题: Paraphrase: Choose the choice that best explains the meaning of the original sentence. When there is an absence of reliable information about drugs, the risks involved in using them are greatly increased.
A:There is no reliable information about drugs.
B:There are no risks involved in using drugs if we have reliable information about them.
C:The risks involved in using drugs have increased.
D:Using drugs is more dangerous when we don’t know what effects and danger are involved.
答案: 【Using drugs is more dangerous when we don’t know what effects and danger are involved.】
第四周 文献引用格式 单元检测
1、 问题:书籍的文内引用Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer.The student is quoting from page 79 of the following source:Marshall, Eliot. Legalization: A Debate. New York: Chelsea, 1988.There are two works by Marshall in the list of works cited.
A: Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use “can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure” (Legalization 79).
B:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use “can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure” (79).
C:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use “can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure” (Marshall 79).
D:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use “can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure” (Marshall, 79).
答案: 【 Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use “can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure” (Legalization 79). 】
2、 问题:转引他人作品的文内引用Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student is quoting Rabbi Isaac P. Fried from page 38 of the following newspaper article:Treaster, Joseph B. “Healing Herb or Narcotic? Marijuana as Medication.” New York Times 14 Nov. 1993: 38+.
A:“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn’t deal with the present needs of the 1990’s?” (Treaster 38).
B:“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn’t deal with the present needs of the 1990’s?” (qtd. in Treaster 38).
C:“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn’t deal with the present needs of the 1990’s?” (qtd. in Isaac 38).
D:“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn’t deal with the present needs of the 1990’s?” (Isaac 38).
答案: 【“I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled,” says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. “Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn’t deal with the present needs of the 1990’s?” (qtd. in Treaster 38). 】
3、 问题:参考同一作者两部及以上作品时,引用一部作品的文内引用 Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student is quoting from page 623 of the following essay:Bangs, Lester. “Where Were You When Elvis Died?” Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay. Ed. William McKeen. New York: Norton, 2000. 623-27.The paper includes another work by Bangs.
A: Bangs argues that he sees Elvis Presley not “as a tragic figure . . . [but] more like the Pentagon, a giant armored institution nobody knows anything about except that its power is legendary” (623).
B:Bangs argues that he sees Elvis Presley not “as a tragic figure . . . [but] more like the Pentagon, a giant armored institution nobody knows anything about except that its power is legendary” (“Where Were You” 623).
C: Bangs argues that he sees Elvis Presley not “as a tragic figure . . . [but] more like the Pentagon, a giant armored institution nobody knows anything about except that its power is legendary” (Lester 623).
D:Bangs argues that he sees Elvis Presley not “as a tragic figure . . . [but] more like the Pentagon, a giant armored institution nobody knows anything about except that its power is legendary” (Bangs 623).
答案: 【Bangs argues that he sees Elvis Presley not “as a tragic figure . . . [but] more like the Pentagon, a giant armored institution nobody knows anything about except that its power is legendary” (“Where Were You” 623).】
4、 问题:书籍的参考文献格式Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student has quoted from page 580 of The American Promise: A History of the United States, 2nd compact edition, written by James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Alan Lawson, and Susan M. Hartmann and published in 2003 by Bedford/St. Martin’s in Boston.
A:Roark, James L. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 2nd compact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003.
B: Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 2nd compact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003.
C: Roark, James L. The American Promise: A History of the United States. Boston: Bedford, 2003.
D: Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. Boston: Bedford, 2003.
答案: 【 Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 2nd compact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003. 】
5、 问题:电影的参考文献格式 Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student has quoted dialogue from the 1972 film The Godfather, starring Marlon Brando andA1 Pacino and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The Film was distributed by Paramount.
A:Coppola, Francis Ford, dir. The Godfather. Perf. Marion Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972.
B:The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and A1 Pacino. Paramount, 1972.
C:The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and A1 Pacino. Paramount, 1972. Film.
D:The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and A1 Pacino, 1972.
答案: 【The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and A1 Pacino. Paramount, 1972. Film. 】
【作业】第四周 文献引用格式 单元作业
1、 问题:文献引用格式错误修改Each of the following MLA works cited entries is handled incorrectly. Read each entry carefully and write the correct format. 1) The student has quoted from an online version of a June 18, 2001, New York Daily News article, “Dapper Don’s Time Gone,” by Pete Hamill. The writer accessed the site on July 7, 2001. The URL is http://www.petehamill.com/nydnews61801.html. Hamill, Pete. “Dapper Don’s Time Gone.” New York Daily News. 7 July 2001. http://www.petehamill.com/nydnews61801. html. 2) The student has summarized a review of Gotham Unbound: How New York City Was Liberated from the Grip of Organized Crime, a book by James B. Jacobs. The review, “Why Organized Crime Isn’t What It Used to Be,” by Albert Mobilio, appeared in the September 29, 1999, issue of the weekly newspaper the Village Voice. The writer accessed the article through the newspaper’s Web site on May 3, 2002, at http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/9939/mobilio.php. Mobilio, Albert. “why Organized Crime Isn’t What It Used to Be.” Village Voice 29 Sept. 1999. 3 May 2002. http://www. villagevoice.com/issues/9939 /mobilio.php. 3) 网络文章的文内引用The student is quoting from the following online article:Wyman, Bill. “Joey Ramone, R.I.P.” Salon.com 15 Apr. 2001. 6 May 2004. http://dir.salon.com/ent/music/feature/2001/04/15/joey/index.html?pn= 1 . MLA in-text citation:Wyman maintains that “if you were a rock-loving youth in America’s . . . Sun Belt in the mid-1970s, the Ramones gave you your first taste of what a sensation was.”
评分规则: 【 1. 每小题文献正确格式及得分如下: 1)(3分)Hamill, Pete. “Dapper Don’s Time Gone.” New York Daily News 18 June 2001. 7 July 2001. http://www.petehamill.com/ nydnews61801.html.
2)(3分)Mobilio, Albert. “Why Organized Crime Isn’t What It Used to Be.” Rev. of GothamUnbound: How New York City Was Liberated from the Organized Crime, by James B. Jacobs. Village Voice 29 Sept. 1999. 3 May 2002.http://www.villagevoice.com/ issues/9939/mobilio.php.
3)(4分)Wyman maintains that “if you were a rock-loving youth in America’s . . . Sun Belt in the mid-1970s, the Ramones gave you your first taste of what a sensation was” (“Joey Ramone”).
第五周 综合性写作 单元检测
1、 问题:You may have to make explicit an indirect connection between two separate sources.
答案: 【正确】
2、 问题:In the final writing of your synthesis, you must explain each source material clearly to your readers.
答案: 【错误】
3、 问题:To make the connection clear to readers, use transitions between sections.
答案: 【正确】
4、 问题:A transitional phrase or sentence can tie together seemingly diverse material for it describes the connection between one idea and the next.
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